README qmail-smtpd SMTP Authentication ====================================== History: -------- This patch is based on Krzysztof Dabrowski's qmail-smtpd-auth-0.31 patch which itself uses "Mrs. Brisby's" initial code. Version 0.41 of this patch fixes the "CAPS-LOCK" typo announcing 'CRAM_MD5' instead of 'CRAM-MD5' (german keyboard) - tx to Mike Garrison. Version 0.42 fixes the '421 unable to read controls (#4.3.0)' problem (can't read control/morercpthosts.cdb) because FD 3 was already closed - tx Richard Lyons. Version 0.43 fixes the ba64decode() failure in case CRAM_MD5 is not enabled - tx Vladimir Zidar. Version 0.51 includes the evaluation of the 'Auth' and the 'Size' parameter in the 'Mail From:' command. Version 0.52 uses DJB functions to copy FDs. Version 0.56 corrects some minor mistakes displaying the 'Auth' userid. Version 0.57 uses keyword "ESMTPA" in Received header in case of authentication to comply with RFC 3848. Version 0.58 fixes a potential problem with cc -O2 optimization within base64.c - tx John Simpson. Version 0.59 adds new feature SUMBISSION port; tx Markus Stumpf. Version 0.510 includes support for complex Usernames "user name" including white spaces for CRAM-MD5. Scope: ------ This patch supports RFC 2554 "SMTP Service Extension for Authentication". and RFC 4409 "Message Submission for Mail" for qmail-smtpd. Additionally, RFC 1870 is honoured ("SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration"). For more technical details see: Installation: ------------- * Untar the source in the qmail-1.03 home direcotry. * Run ./install_auth. * Modify the compile time option "#define CRAM_MD5" to your needs. * Re-make qmail. Setup: ------ In order to use SMTP Authentication you have to use a 'Pluggable Authentication Module' PAM to be called by qmail-smtpd; typically /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /bin/checkpassword true 2>&1 Since qmail-smtpd does not run as root, checkpassword has to be made sticky. There is no need to include additionally the hostname in the call. In order to compute the CRAM-MD5 challenge, qmail-smtpd uses the 'tcplocalhost' information. Version 0.59 allows to setup a special qmail-smtpd instance on the SUBMISSION port 587. If qmail-smtpd receives SMTP connections on this port, it requires SMTP Authentication. Alternatively, you can employ the environment variable SUBMISSIONPORT while setting it to some specific value. Changes wrt. Krysztof Dabrowski's patch: ---------------------------------------- * Avoid the 'hostname' in the call of the PAM. * Confirm to Dan Bernstein's checkpassword interface even for CRAM-MD5. * Doesn't close FD 2; thus not inhibiting logging to STDERR. * Fixed bugs in base64.c. * Modified unconditional close of FD 3 in order to sustain reading of 'control/morecpthosts.cdb'. * Evaluation of the (informational) Mail From: < > Auth=username. * Additional support for the advertised "Size" via 'Mail From: SIZE=123456780' (RFC 1870). * RFC 3848 conformance for Received header in case of SMTP Auth. * Added SUBMISSION port feature. * Support for complex user names within CRAM-MD5 authentication. Erwin Hoffmann - Hoehn 2010-02-08 (